Meet Michala

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Michala Costello

Principal Agent
NJ & PA Sales Agent | REALTOR®

With 15 years of real estate experience, a bachelor's in psychology, and a master's in business administration, Michala Costello is a dedicated real estate advisor and leader of The Curated Living team alongside Rob Lamb. Michala naturally gravitates to advising and leadership roles where she can combine her passions for real estate and helping people achieve their goals.

Michala was first inspired by real estate when she would tag along to her mom’s open houses and picture the life she could have in each unique home. She grew up in the rural Midwest and made her way to Philadelphia over 20 years ago. Michala moved from the Chestnut Hill neighborhood of Philadelphia to Haddonfield, New Jersey with her husband where she is currently raising her two kids and a very active dog. She loves to go on hikes with her family and she is well known for her entertaining skills and elaborate gourmet charcuterie boards.

Positioned in New Jersey with real estate licenses and experience in both Philadelphia and New Jersey, Michala is able to provide an enhanced perspective of the market. Her client’s best interest is always at the forefront of her mind as she helps to navigate whatever chapter of life they are in along the journey of buying or selling a home. Michala tremendously values her unique ability to show clients different opportunities on both sides of the Delaware River. Creativity, the ever-evolving dynamism of real estate, and her client relationships keep her passionate and excited to come to work and lead her team.

Michala's Favorites

Favorite Park

Crows Woods

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Favorite Lunch Spot


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Favorite Home Decor Store

RS Home Company

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Favorite Stationary Store

Paper Trail

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